CLRC activities in August 2014

Maple Springs Chinese Christian Church (Winston-Salem, NC) Student Fellowship held their retreat on 8/1-3, 2014 weekend. Since many of the Fellowship are young Christians, they focused their time on learning how to lead group studies according to the “Inductive/Bible Study Method.” Everyone enjoyed a weekend of fellowship in the bond of Christian love with one another at CLRC Lake Gaston for Bibe studies, sharing, cooking, etc.

學生團契合照 / Student Fellowship Group Picture

學生團契合照 / Student Fellowship Group Picture

早上集體靈修 / Morning Group Devotion

早上集體靈修 / Morning Group Devotion

學習 "歸納化研經方法" / "Inductive Bible Study Method" Learning

學習 “歸納化研經方法” / “Inductive Bible Study Method” Learning

準備水餃午餐  /Making Dumplings for Lunch

準備水餃午餐 /Making Dumplings for Lunch

CLRC organized a one day “Preaching” seminar on 8/23/2014 at CCMC (Chinese Christian Mission Church, Durham) from 9:30 AM – 4:30 PM. There are 25 brothers/sisters from the Triangle, Greensboro and Greenville areas attending the seminar. The speaker was Pastor/Dr. John Hsu who had ample pastoral experiences in pulpit ministries. Pastor Hsu emphasized that besides the preaching “skills” which one learns from preaching courses/classes, one must strive to pursue spiritual growth in his life in parallel to what he preaches. Besides lectures in the morning sessions, attendees were divided into small groups to work on the theme, outlines, number of messages based on the book of Colossians. Two brothers were asked to tell a short story to practice communication skills followed by critique from the audience. Four seasoned lay brothers of preaching in their own churches also shared their experiences in preparing sermons and lessons learned through the process. The sharing as well as Pastor Hsu’s lectures are available on the Media Page of CLRC website.

We pray that this seminar will help and strengthen the pulpit ministry of His churches in proclaiming His Word.

講道學講座 / Preaching Seminar

講道學講座 / Preaching Seminar

學習定出經文主題和分段 / Learning How to Set the Theme and Sections

學習定出經文主題和分段 / Learning How to Set the Theme and Sections

分享講章預備經歷 / Sharing of Sermon Preparation

分享講章預備經歷 / Sharing of Sermon Preparation