On September 6, 2014 , Elder Albert Yeh and his wife Vivian graciously opened their CLRC to set up a welcome party for three dozens of old and new Chinese high school students from Mainland China who are attending the North Raleigh Christian Academy (NRCA). A dozen of Chinese Christians from Open Door Church along with Pastor Dwayne and Kay participated in this event. Here are some highlights of that day:
Pastor Dwayne gave a welcome speech and invited the Chinese students in the future anytime they wanted to come to visit the Open Door Church for any help.
Elder Yeh gave a brief introduction of CLRC and encouraged students to open their hearts and minds for the biblical truths as they are pursuing education in the States.
Brother Wu Jun, a long time graduate from Beijing University who has also achieved his Ph.D. in America a decade ago, shared how he came to meet Jesus Christ during his academic pursuit and exploration of the American Dream. After sharing his testimony, Wu Jun also briefly navigated high school students through the greater Raleigh area with a slide show.
After that, we broke off to tour Lake Gaston, play games, converse with one another until dinner time – Pastor Yip delivered great Chinese food from a Chinese restaurant.
With great fun and satisfaction we had at CLRC, we wrapped up the welcome party for high school students of NRCA and left around 6:00 p.m. Both NRCA and OD Church appreciated greatly Elder Albert & Vivian for making this ministry opportunity possible for the Chinese high school students who have never heard the Gospel before. Many thanks also to Pastor Yip for his food arrangement and assistance in organizing this event. May God continue to bless and use CLRC for wider evangelism and deeper equipment for the saints!
(Mulberry Sang)
On September 20th, 2014, the first RCCC fellowship leader’s retreat was held at the Christian Leadership Renewal Center (CLRC), located at Lake Gaston in Bracey, VA. The purpose was to host and equip our current fellowship leaders to become better servants of Christ in their own spiritual journey and ministry.
We would like to give our thanks to God for preparing such a wonderful facility (CLRC). Our beloved elder Albert and pastor Yip laid out the ground work to ensure a comfortable learning environment. Albert tried his best to accommodate our schedules by coming to RCCC one week in advance and shared his vision on developing spiritual leaders, including the newly finished Guidelines for Disciplined Fellowship. Pastor Yip helped with our lunch order, delivering delicious food from a Chinese restaurant in Durham.
Pastor Lin delivered a short message derived from Exodus 32: 1-14. Three brothers shared their visions and personal experiences in serving the Lord. To our biggest surprise, the afternoon sharing session emerged as another major highlight. Beginning with a “warm up” game led by Eric Chien, the brothers and sisters went deep into their hearts and shared their own personal spiritual journeys. We also got to know each other about their family, favorite foods, hobbies, favorite Bible verses, and much more.
It was such a wonderful retreat! Our thanks go to brothers and sisters who helped plan this event, those who prepared the wonderful and touching training sessions, and those who helped with the meals and fun games. Most importantly, we thank our heavenly father for the beautiful day, his care for all of us and blessing us with safety.
(Jianying Li – Fellowship Deacon)