Date: 4/28/2016 – 4/30/2016
CLRC’s annual leadership training retreat was held at Lake Gaston on April 28-30. We had about 20 brothers/sisters attending the retreat from North Carolina. The theme of the retreat was: The Principles and Practice of a Healthy Growing Church. We had two speakers: Elder Peter Liu and Pastor Albert Lam.

2015 Leadership Training Seminar
Date: 4/23/2015 – 4/25/2015
CLRC’s annual leadership training retreat was held at Lake Gaston on April 23-25. We had about 20 brothers/sisters attending the retreat from North Carolina and Virginia. The theme of the retreat was: Mentoring and Discipling. We had three speakers: Pastor Peter Chow, Prof. Chuck Kwok and Dr. Stacy Rinehart.

2014 Leadership Training Seminar
Date: 4/24/2014 – 4/26/2014
Praise God for His guidance and providence during the CLRC’s annual leadership seminar retreat on 4/24-26, 2014. Over 30 pastors/elders/deacons/co-workers from different churches in VA and NC attended. We thank God for bringing Pastors John Hsu and Jian Zhu to teach on the subject of “The Spiritual Life and Character of a Christian Servant Leader.”

2013 Leadership Training Seminar
Date: 4/25/2013 – 4/27/2013
2013 CLRC leadership training seminar retreat was held on April 25-27. The speaker was Pastor Caleb Huang on the topic of “The Holy Spirit’s Work in the Church and Disciples”.

2012 Leadership Training Seminar
Date: 4/26/2012 – 4/28/2012
CLRC’s leadership training seminar was held on April 26-28 (Thursday evening 6:00 pm – Saturday 5:30 pm), 2012 at the Lake Gaston facility. The theme of this year’s seminar is Bibilical inerrancy, and the speaker is Pastor Luke Lu.

2011 Leadership Training Seminar
Date: 4/28/2011 – 4/30/2011
CLRC’s leadership training seminar was held on April 28-30 (Thursday evening 6:00 pm – Saturday 5:30 pm), 2011 at the Lake Gaston facility. The theme of this year’s seminar is Team Leadership.
The two speakers are Pastor Albert Lam and Dr. Wright Doyle.

2010 Leadership Training Seminar
Date: 4/22/2010 – 4/24/2010
CLRC’s leadership training seminar was held on April 22-24 (Thursday evening 6:00 pm – Saturday 5:30 pm), 2010 at the Lake Gaston facility. The theme of this year’s seminar is prayer and its various aspects.
The two speakers are Pastor William Ko and Pastor Paul Bucknell.

2009 Leadership Training Seminar
Date: 4/23/2009 – 4/25/2009
Praise God that we have 27 people, mostly pastors/elders, deacons, and core co-workers from 8 different churches attended the CLRC’s leadership training seminar retreat from April 23-25, 2009 at Lake Gaston. They came from the Triangle area and other cities of North Carolina and they were blessed and renewed from the retreat. The theme of this year’s seminar was The Shepherding Ministry of a Church (教會的牧养). We thank God for the two very special speakers, Brother Bian Yun Bo (邊雲波) and Pastor John Hsu (許道良), who gave inspiring messages from the Word of God and from their long, rich and faithful ministry experiences. Besides the spiritual messages, we had sharing by other pastors during workshop on their pastoral experiences; special video / singspiration with CLRC sceneries; collective morning devotions; a special presentation on healthy eating; and wonderful fellowships throughout the retreat. God has also blessed us with sunny and mild weather.

2008 Leadership Training Seminar
Date: 4/24/2008-4/26/2008
We praise God that we have approximately 37 people from 10 different churches attended the CLRC leadership training seminar retreat from April 24-26, 2008, at CLRC’s Lake Gaston facility. We thank God for the two excellent speakers, Bro. Bellman Lin (林三綱) of NYC and Dr. John Hsu (許道良) from Seattle, who gave inspiring messages on the topics of “Attaining Spiritual Maturity”, “Team Leadership”, “Conflict Resolution”, and “Church Fellowship and Discipline,” from the Word of God and from their long and rich, personal ministry experiences. God also answered our prayers and has given us wonderful fellowship as well as good weather and safety.