Author Archives: nelson.fong
ECU Ark Fellowship Fall Retreat
Sponsored by Greenville Chinese Christian Fellowship (GCCF), ECU Ark Fellowship had a spiritual retreat at CLRC’s Lake Gaston October 31- November 1. A total of 25 ECU students and scholars, along with co-workers from GCCF attended this retreat. This was the first time GCCF visiting CLRC’s Lake Gaston facility.
That first day Pastor Chaoyang shared a message of “Body-Mind-Spirit, IQ-EQ-SQ”. While many of us might have high IQ, we may need to work on our EQ. But the most important one is the SQ, spiritual quotient. With God’s guidance and Jesus’ love, integrity, kindness, peace, wisdom, we are set to be successful and joyful in this world. After lunch, we enjoyed colorful fall leaves while riding the boat in Lake Gaston. The food was delicious and making dumplings together for dinner was one of the best moments during the retreat to have fellowship together. During the evening, we shared our testimonies, Christian lives, and discussed many questions regarding our faith. Sunday morning we had our regular worship service. Pastor Chaoyang gave a message titled “Purpose of Life”. On the way home, we had opportunity to visit a vineyard. Everyone had a relaxed weekend and was lifted spiritually.
(Jianping Shan, Chairman of GCCF)
2015 Leadership Training Seminar
Date: 4/23/2015 – 4/25/2015
CLRC’s annual leadership training retreat was held at Lake Gaston on April 23-25. We had about 20 brothers/sisters attending the retreat from North Carolina and Virginia. The theme of the retreat was: Mentoring and Discipling. We had three speakers: Pastor Peter Chow, Prof. Chuck Kwok and Dr. Stacy Rinehart.

2015 Leadership Training Seminar
CLRC’s annual leadership training retreat was held at Lake Gaston on April 23-25. We had about 20 brothers/sisters attending the retreat from North Carolina and Virginia. The theme of the retreat was: Mentoring and Discipling. We had three speakers: Pastor Peter Chow, Prof. Chuck Kwok and Dr. Stacy Rinehart.
「Mentoring and Discipling」 Pastor Peter Chow (Message 1)
「Mentoring and Discipling」 Dr. Stacy Rinehart (Message 2)
「Mentoring and Discipling」 Dr. Stacy Rinehart (Message 3)
「Mentoring and Discipling」 Pastor Peter Chow (Message 4)
「Mentoring and Discipling」 Prof. Chuck Kwok (Message 5)
「Mentoring and Discipling」 Pastor Peter Chow (Message 6)
「Mentoring and Discipling」 Prof. Chuck Kwok (Message 7)
「Mentoring and Discipling」 Pastor Peter Chow (Message 8)
2015 Leadership Training Seminar
Date: 4/23/2015 – 4/25/2015
CLRC’s annual leadership training retreat was held at Lake Gaston on April 23-25. We had about 20 brothers/sisters attending the retreat from North Carolina and Virginia. The theme of the retreat was: Mentoring and Discipling. We had three speakers: Pastor Peter Chow, Prof. Chuck Kwok and Dr. Stacy Rinehart.
Message 1, Speaker: Peter Chow
Message 2, Speaker: Stacy Rinehart
Message 3, Speaker: Stacy Rinehart
Message 4, Speaker: Peter Chow
Message 5, Speaker: Chuck Kwok
Message 6, Speaker: Peter Chow
Message 7, Speaker: Chuck Kwok
Message 8, Speaker: Peter Chow
CLRC activities in April 2015
Thank God for His guidance and blessing. CLRC’s annual leadership training retreat was held at Lake Gaston on April 23-25. We had about 20 brothers/sisters attending the retreat from North Carolina and Virginia. The theme of the retreat was: Mentoring and Disciplining. We had three speakers: Pastor Peter Chow, Prof. Chuck Kwok and Dr. Stacy Rinehart. Each brought with them vast experiences in mentoring and disciplining: Pastor Chow was the former president of China Evangelical Seminary in Taiwan and pastored churches for many years; Prof. Kwok is very involved with discipleship training/campus ministries in his hometown and around the world; Dr. Rinehart is the founder of MentorLink International and has a global ministry focusing on multiplying Christ-like leaders (e.g., “Leaders Covenant”…)
Through the seminars, all attendees agreed that mentoring and disciplining are the utmost important ministries for the local churches. Pastor Chow also led a special topic seminar on different issues facing “Chinese Seminary Education” today. The attendees also shared their discipling ministries at their own church as well as other personal and church issues. Some expressed their intention for starting discipleship programs after they return to their own churches.
Video and Audio recordings of the seminars are available on CLRC’s website – Media Page.