CLRC activities in March 2015

Student Annual Leadership Training Camp was held at CLRC Lake Gaston facility on March 28-29 with about 20 participants coming from Duke, UNC, NCSU, ECU, Greensboro’s UNC and VT.

The Camp was organized by AFC campus ministers (Pastor Chaoyang Peng, Ministers Gabby Zhong and Melody Wu) with Prof. Ben Liu as the speaker/trainer. The focus of the training was on the characters of Lord’s workers and the practice of discipleship training.

CLRC’s director, Albert Yeh, and coworker, Pastor Wing Yip, also participated and assisted during the training weekend.

Group Picture / 團體照

Group Picture / 團體照

Seminar by Prof. Liu / 劉少青教授領會

Seminar by Prof. Liu / 劉少青教授領會

Group Discussion / 分小組討論

Group Discussion / 分小組討論

Campus Workers Panel Sharing /  校園同工經驗分享

Campus Workers Panel Sharing /