CLRC activities in September 2015

NCSU’s Family of Chinese Scholars Fellowship together Duke and UNC students of about 20 people organized a retreat at CLRC’s Lake Gaston facility on Labor’s Day weekend. All enjoyed and had a good time for the gathering. Pastor Peng of Ambassador For Christ sharing a gospel message titled “From Ivy-league Colleges to Realize that Knowledge and Fear of the Lord is the True Wisdom of Life.” Through making dumpling together, everyone got a chance to know one another just like Psalm 133: “How good and pleasant it is when God’s people live together in unity!” At night, all watched the movie “Chariots of Fire” featuring Eric Liddell who gave up his life and came to China for missions. Everyone was touched by his sacrificial love towards the Lord. Even though the retreat time is just for 1-night stay, we got a chance to visit a nearby wineary of wine tasting. Praise the Lord for all the blessings through the retreat. And thank CLRC for the hosting.

NCSU中國學人之家的笑蕾姐妹在帶領敬拜 / Worship led by sister 笑蕾

NCSU中國學人之家的笑蕾姐妹在帶領敬拜 / Worship led by sister 笑蕾

弟兄姐妹和睦同居是何等的善、何等的美! / Wonderful time together

弟兄姐妹和睦同居是何等的善、何等的美! / How good and pleasant it is when God’s people live together in unity!

晚上在宿舍一起看電影,分享福音 / Movie and Gospel Sharing in the evening

晚上在宿舍一起看電影,分享福音 / Movie and Gospel Sharing in the evening

在葡萄園品酒和學習耶穌變水為酒的故事 / Wine Tasting and Listen how Jesus turned water into wine

在葡萄園品酒和學習耶穌變水為酒的故事 / Wine Tasting and Listen how Jesus turned water into wine

CHCCC Memorial Weekend Retreat

Wandering among the breeze of the mountain and floating above gentle waves of Lake Gaston,
We feel the Words of God.
Lord Jesus, we praise you, not only the true God but also the living God.
You live inside me, guiding, changing, correcting, and transforming me on all things, big or small.
Oh, Lord Jesus, please help me live under your governance and protection always, help me experience you on all aspects of my daily life whenever I speak and act, so that I can be a witness of the living God that we believe in within my family, among my neighbors and friends.
Oh Lord, help me turn from idols and serve you – the true and living God!

Organization: CHCCC (Chapel Hill Chinese Christian Church) retreat
Date:5/24-25, 2015, Memorial Weekend

2015 Memorial Weekend Special Gathering_May24-25_01

2015 Memorial Weekend Special Gathering_May24-25_02

2015 Memorial Weekend Special Gathering_May24-25_03

CLRC activities in April 2015

Thank God for His guidance and blessing. CLRC’s annual leadership training retreat was held at Lake Gaston on April 23-25. We had about 20 brothers/sisters attending the retreat from North Carolina and Virginia. The theme of the retreat was: Mentoring and Disciplining. We had three speakers: Pastor Peter Chow, Prof. Chuck Kwok and Dr. Stacy Rinehart. Each brought with them vast experiences in mentoring and disciplining: Pastor Chow was the former president of China Evangelical Seminary in Taiwan and pastored churches for many years; Prof. Kwok is very involved with discipleship training/campus ministries in his hometown and around the world; Dr. Rinehart is the founder of MentorLink International and has a global ministry focusing on multiplying Christ-like leaders (e.g., “Leaders Covenant”…)

Through the seminars, all attendees agreed that mentoring and disciplining are the utmost important ministries for the local churches. Pastor Chow also led a special topic seminar on different issues facing “Chinese Seminary Education” today. The attendees also shared their discipling ministries at their own church as well as other personal and church issues. Some expressed their intention for starting discipleship programs after they return to their own churches.

Video and Audio recordings of the seminars are available on CLRC’s website – Media Page.

團體照 / Group Picture

團體照 / Group Picture

周功和牧師 / Rev. Peter Chow

周功和牧師 / Rev. Peter Chow

郭振游教授 / Dr. Chuck Kwok

郭振游教授 / Dr. Chuck Kwok

Dr. Stacy Rinehart

Dr. Stacy Rinehart

分享時段 / Sharing Time

分享時段 / Sharing Time

分享 / Sharing

分享 / Sharing

小組討論 / Group Discussion

小組討論 / Group Discussion

CLRC activities in March 2015

Student Annual Leadership Training Camp was held at CLRC Lake Gaston facility on March 28-29 with about 20 participants coming from Duke, UNC, NCSU, ECU, Greensboro’s UNC and VT.

The Camp was organized by AFC campus ministers (Pastor Chaoyang Peng, Ministers Gabby Zhong and Melody Wu) with Prof. Ben Liu as the speaker/trainer. The focus of the training was on the characters of Lord’s workers and the practice of discipleship training.

CLRC’s director, Albert Yeh, and coworker, Pastor Wing Yip, also participated and assisted during the training weekend.

Group Picture / 團體照

Group Picture / 團體照

Seminar by Prof. Liu / 劉少青教授領會

Seminar by Prof. Liu / 劉少青教授領會

Group Discussion / 分小組討論

Group Discussion / 分小組討論

Campus Workers Panel Sharing /  校園同工經驗分享

Campus Workers Panel Sharing /

Thanksgiving Dinner

CLRC hosted a co-workers’ “Thanksgiving Dinner” at Elder Yeh’s residence on November 8, 2014 to show appreciation for the involvement, work, and help of coworkers in the past and present ministries. About 18 brothers/sisters (including spouses) joined the dinner banquet. Before the banquet, following the “Guideline for Coworkers’ Disciplined Fellowship,” we spent about an hour to share with one another about personal ministries, focuses, or passions so everyone got to know each other more.

彼此分享時段/Sharing Together

彼此分享時段/Sharing Together

異象分享/Vision Sharing

異象分享/Vision Sharing

晚餐/Dinner Time

晚餐/Dinner Time