One of the main purposes of CLRC is to train and equip leaders to effectively lead the church according to God’s will and to enable them to grow spiritually. Based on these goals, it is significant that the elder board of the Chinese Bible Church of North Carolina chose CLRC facilities to hold its March 2017 retreat.
During the retreat, we deeply sensed God’s grace dripping down on us like precious oil to equip us in building up the Chinese Bible Church of North Carolina. Paul said, “According to the grace of God given to me, like a skilled master builder I laid a foundation” (I Cor 3:10). During the past years, God has helped the leaders to have a clear vision in building up the church, guided by the Holy Spirit, to focus our energy and resources on important issues, to repeatedly review our directions and to plan out priorities to build a solid spiritual foundation for the church. That has enabled a healthy and balanced growth of the church in guiding, pastoring, equipping and sending believers. Brothers and sisters have experienced life changes and through these changes, God’s love is manifested. The church has grown to become more mature in accordance with His will both quantitatively and qualitatively.
After the closing of the Spirit-led retreat, we are faced with the challenge to proceed with tasks towards the goals with one heart and mind. Praise and thanksgiving be to our Lord and to the Holy Spirit for binding us together in serving Him! With these words, we also want to express our gratitude to CLRC in providing wonderful facilities for our retreat.