It’s with both joy and sadness for me to announce the ending of CLRC’s (Christian Leadership Renewal Center基督僕人更新中心) ministry at Lake Gaston facility at Bracey, VA, effective March 2022.
It’s sad to end a long and beloved ministry. It was an effort beginning in concept by mid 1990’s and described in my research project, “A Proposal to Strengthen the Leadership of Chinese Churches in North America,” at the Moody Graduate School. The project tried to analyze the critical needs of the Chinese churches and especially their leaders, and the leadership training and development process required to meet the tremendous challenges of the Chinese churches in the 21st century. This effort included the finding of a suitable site, design and construction of the facilities, and implementation of appropriate programs.
Briefly, the CLRC ministry was incorporated and received non-profit status in October 2005. By 2015, we have completed 3 phases of capital and various improvements: 3 buildings, extensive landscaping, 2 docks and walkways, etc. on the 4 acre land we purchased in 1998. Program wise, 11 annual leadership training seminars, and many church, fellowship and personal retreats were held based on our strategic plan. This has been made possible because of the excellent speakers, local churches and dedicated individual volunteers putting in thousands of working hours over these years.
It’s also a joy what we have accomplished. To a certain extent, we have alerted the local churches the importance of developing godly church leaders and the disciplined fellowship / retreat of church co-worker groups/ individuals, which God has designed for a healthy and growing church. There is of course much more to be done, but this is a good beginning and hopefully many churches/individuals have been benefited through the process.
The succession of CLRC ministry has been under consideration for at least the last 5 years. Many suggestions such as plans A,B,C,D,E have been proposed, examined and tried; this also included two “trial periods” with potential “partners” (2019-2021). But at the end, none has worked out for various reasons according to our original vision, criteria and needs. The Board finally decided that it WAS time to terminate the search and trials, liquidate the facility and use the proceeds effectively to support like minded non-profit organizations, consistent with our original vision. We were pleasantly surprised that the property was quickly and smoothly sold, and most of the furniture was given away to CWC and/or other charities. The distribution of the proceeds, which may take some time, will follow the guidelines as set forth by applicable law and the CLRC bylaws. We will again follow God’s leading and guidance carefully every step of the way.
We are grateful to the Lord for starting and also “passing the baton” of this specific ministry at Lake Gaston by His providence and grace. We are also very grateful to the many churches, groups and individuals for their dedicated participation and assistance. The CLRC website will temporarily remain in operation with perhaps some improvements and for the historical records. The Board will execute the remaining tasks for the distribution.
Your prayers will be greatly appreciated as in the past. Please feel free to contact me for any questions/comments. I hope to continue having fellowship with all of you regularly if possible. God willing, I’ll also continue to focus on godly leadership and its formation in His churches*.
May God’s name be glorified.
Your fellow co-worker in Christ,
Albert Yeh
CLRC Founder and President
See attached slides< CLRC 2022