CLRC September 2024 Announcement

Dear CLRC Coworkers and Supporters,

Praise God that we gathered to celebrate and give thanks for the wonderful memories and accomplishments by God’s grace. We invited as many as possible the former CLRC coworkers, frequent attendees and active supporters with their spouses, to attend on June 29, 2024 in Raleigh, NC. About 27 people came. However, some of them couldn’t attend because of out-of-town and/or other reasons. Two couples did come from out-of-town and a third out-of-town couple sent beautiful flowers which we’re really grateful.

After a sumptuous Chinese lunch, we sang a familiar customized hymn, created by a former church pastor, which uses the CLRC ministries as a background. We also played the short introduction video of CLRC (available on the website) made by our supporters, which brought back many of the wonderful memories we shared together during the past years. Some of the supporters, who may not have been known and worked behind the scenes, were specially mentioned and appreciated, including my wife Vivian.

At the end I made a short slide presentation, attached below, entitled “Essentials of CLRC” which are precious lessons we’ve learned and tried to implement. It summarized the main concepts and objectives of CLRC. Hopefully they will be remembered by the participants and helpful to our spiritual and church lives. (Regrettably, each slide needs quite a bit of an explanation to fully understand.) A summary of current CLRC status was also given.

Finally, some small prizes were given to those who gave prompt answers to several meaningful questions designed by the moderator. In addition, it was mentioned that good books/magazines, both Chinese and English, are available to give away at the house library in Wake Forest for those interested. Please just contact me.

We look forward to continuing prayers and fellowship with you all in the future.

In Christ’s love,

Albert Yeh
Founder of CLRC

See attached slides< CLRC Essentials

2016 Leadership Training Seminar

Date: 4/28/2016 – 4/30/2016
CLRC’s annual leadership training retreat was held at Lake Gaston on April 28-30. We had about 20 brothers/sisters attending the retreat from North Carolina. The theme of the retreat was: The Principles and Practice of a Healthy Growing Church. We had two speakers: Elder Peter Liu and Pastor Albert Lam.

Leadership Training Seminar Audio Catalog

This is the collection of audio recordings of the Leadership Training Seminars from 2006 – 2016 produced by the Christian Leadership Renewal Center, Inc. (CLRC). Each recording with different topic and speaker, please click to listen.

2016:「The Principles and Practice of a Healthy Growing Church」
2015:「Mentoring and Discipling」
2014:「The Spiritual Life and Character of a Christian Servant Leader」
2013:「The Holy Spirit’s Work in the Church and Disciples」
2012:「Biblical inerrancy」
2011:「Team Leadership」
2010:「prayer and its various aspects」
2009:「The Shepherding Ministry of a Church」
2008:「The Implementation of Church Leadership Training」
2007:「The Principles and Implementation of Church Leadership」
2006:「Experiencing Renewal through Our Personal Devotions」

Leadership Training Seminar Video Catalog

This is the collection of video recordings of the Leadership Training Seminars from 2007 – 2016 produced by the Christian Leadership Renewal Center, Inc. (CLRC). Each recording with different topic and speaker, please click to watch.

2016:「The Principles and Practice of a Healthy Growing Church」
2015:「Mentoring and Discipling」
2014:「The Spiritual Life and Character of a Christian Servant Leader」
2013:「The Holy Spirit’s Work in the Church and Disciples」
2012:「Biblical inerrancy」
2011:「Team Leadership」
2010:「prayer and its various aspects」
2009:「The Shepherding Ministry of a Church」
2008:「The Implementation of Church Leadership Training」
2007:「The Principles and Implementation of Church Leadership」

2016 Leadership Training Seminar Registration

2016 CLRC Leadership Retreat now accepts applications

Date: April 28 – 30, 2016 (Thur 6pm – Sat 4:30pm)
Location: 191 Lost Forest Road, Bracey, VA 23919
Topic: The Principles and Practice of a Healthy, Growing Church
Speakers: Elder Peter Liu and Pastor Albert Lam


Duke Fellowship Retreat

Duke Chinese Christian Fellowship organized a Fall weekend retreat at CLRC’s Lake Gaston on October 9-11. The purpose of the retreat was to encourage everyone to lay down their worldly worries from busy life and to enjoy a quiet fellowship time with one another in our Heavenly Father’s love along the beautiful lake shore.

29 brothers/sisters and friends stayed together sharing God’s love and building up one another. Besides making dumplings, BBQ and beef-stewed noodles, everyone took turns riding a rental platoon boat along the Lake. Brother Yuhai Wu of AFC shared two messages: “Where Does My Source of Strength Come From?” and “Sharing Jesus” on Saturday and Sunday. Many non-Christian friends attended the retreat as well. May the gospel seeds be planted in their hearts and bear fruits. Through the retreat, everyone’s spiritual life was renewed.

(Sharing of Zhe Gan, Chairman of Duke Chinese Christian Fellowship)

團體照 / Group Picture

團體照 / Group Picture

溫馨分享時間 / Sharing time

溫馨分享時間 / Sharing time

湖上泛舟 / Taking boats on the lake

湖上泛舟 / Taking boats on the lake

武雲海,鐘赤軍夫婦(使者同工-Duke團契輔導) / Yuhai Wu and Gabby Zhong (AFC co-workers for Duke Fellowship)

武雲海,鐘赤軍夫婦(使者同工-Duke團契輔導) / Yuhai Wu and Gabby Zhong (AFC co-workers for Duke Fellowship)

CLRC activities in September 2015

NCSU’s Family of Chinese Scholars Fellowship together Duke and UNC students of about 20 people organized a retreat at CLRC’s Lake Gaston facility on Labor’s Day weekend. All enjoyed and had a good time for the gathering. Pastor Peng of Ambassador For Christ sharing a gospel message titled “From Ivy-league Colleges to Realize that Knowledge and Fear of the Lord is the True Wisdom of Life.” Through making dumpling together, everyone got a chance to know one another just like Psalm 133: “How good and pleasant it is when God’s people live together in unity!” At night, all watched the movie “Chariots of Fire” featuring Eric Liddell who gave up his life and came to China for missions. Everyone was touched by his sacrificial love towards the Lord. Even though the retreat time is just for 1-night stay, we got a chance to visit a nearby wineary of wine tasting. Praise the Lord for all the blessings through the retreat. And thank CLRC for the hosting.

NCSU中國學人之家的笑蕾姐妹在帶領敬拜 / Worship led by sister 笑蕾

NCSU中國學人之家的笑蕾姐妹在帶領敬拜 / Worship led by sister 笑蕾

弟兄姐妹和睦同居是何等的善、何等的美! / Wonderful time together

弟兄姐妹和睦同居是何等的善、何等的美! / How good and pleasant it is when God’s people live together in unity!

晚上在宿舍一起看電影,分享福音 / Movie and Gospel Sharing in the evening

晚上在宿舍一起看電影,分享福音 / Movie and Gospel Sharing in the evening

在葡萄園品酒和學習耶穌變水為酒的故事 / Wine Tasting and Listen how Jesus turned water into wine

在葡萄園品酒和學習耶穌變水為酒的故事 / Wine Tasting and Listen how Jesus turned water into wine