CLRC September 2024 Announcement

Dear CLRC Coworkers and Supporters,

Praise God that we gathered to celebrate and give thanks for the wonderful memories and accomplishments by God’s grace. We invited as many as possible the former CLRC coworkers, frequent attendees and active supporters with their spouses, to attend on June 29, 2024 in Raleigh, NC. About 27 people came. However, some of them couldn’t attend because of out-of-town and/or other reasons. Two couples did come from out-of-town and a third out-of-town couple sent beautiful flowers which we’re really grateful.

After a sumptuous Chinese lunch, we sang a familiar customized hymn, created by a former church pastor, which uses the CLRC ministries as a background. We also played the short introduction video of CLRC (available on the website) made by our supporters, which brought back many of the wonderful memories we shared together during the past years. Some of the supporters, who may not have been known and worked behind the scenes, were specially mentioned and appreciated, including my wife Vivian.

At the end I made a short slide presentation, attached below, entitled “Essentials of CLRC” which are precious lessons we’ve learned and tried to implement. It summarized the main concepts and objectives of CLRC. Hopefully they will be remembered by the participants and helpful to our spiritual and church lives. (Regrettably, each slide needs quite a bit of an explanation to fully understand.) A summary of current CLRC status was also given.

Finally, some small prizes were given to those who gave prompt answers to several meaningful questions designed by the moderator. In addition, it was mentioned that good books/magazines, both Chinese and English, are available to give away at the house library in Wake Forest for those interested. Please just contact me.

We look forward to continuing prayers and fellowship with you all in the future.

In Christ’s love,

Albert Yeh
Founder of CLRC

See attached slides< CLRC Essentials

Leadership Training Seminar Audio Catalog

This is the collection of audio recordings of the Leadership Training Seminars from 2006 – 2016 produced by the Christian Leadership Renewal Center, Inc. (CLRC). Each recording with different topic and speaker, please click to listen.

2016:「The Principles and Practice of a Healthy Growing Church」
2015:「Mentoring and Discipling」
2014:「The Spiritual Life and Character of a Christian Servant Leader」
2013:「The Holy Spirit’s Work in the Church and Disciples」
2012:「Biblical inerrancy」
2011:「Team Leadership」
2010:「prayer and its various aspects」
2009:「The Shepherding Ministry of a Church」
2008:「The Implementation of Church Leadership Training」
2007:「The Principles and Implementation of Church Leadership」
2006:「Experiencing Renewal through Our Personal Devotions」

CLRC April 2022 Announcement

It’s with both joy and sadness for me to announce the ending of CLRC’s (Christian Leadership Renewal Center基督僕人更新中心) ministry at Lake Gaston facility at Bracey, VA, effective March 2022.

It’s sad to end a long and beloved ministry. It was an effort beginning in concept by mid 1990’s and described in my research project, “A Proposal to Strengthen the Leadership of Chinese Churches in North America,” at the Moody Graduate School. The project tried to analyze the critical needs of the Chinese churches and especially their leaders, and the leadership training and development process required to meet the tremendous challenges of the Chinese churches in the 21st century. This effort included the finding of a suitable site, design and construction of the facilities, and implementation of appropriate programs.

Briefly, the CLRC ministry was incorporated and received non-profit status in October 2005. By 2015, we have completed 3 phases of capital and various improvements: 3 buildings, extensive landscaping, 2 docks and walkways, etc. on the 4 acre land we purchased in 1998. Program wise, 11 annual leadership training seminars, and many church, fellowship and personal retreats were held based on our strategic plan. This has been made possible because of the excellent speakers, local churches and dedicated individual volunteers putting in thousands of working hours over these years.

It’s also a joy what we have accomplished. To a certain extent, we have alerted the local churches the importance of developing godly church leaders and the disciplined fellowship / retreat of church co-worker groups/ individuals, which God has designed for a healthy and growing church. There is of course much more to be done, but this is a good beginning and hopefully many churches/individuals have been benefited through the process.

The succession of CLRC ministry has been under consideration for at least the last 5 years. Many suggestions such as plans A,B,C,D,E have been proposed, examined and tried; this also included two “trial periods” with potential “partners” (2019-2021). But at the end, none has worked out for various reasons according to our original vision, criteria and needs. The Board finally decided that it WAS time to terminate the search and trials, liquidate the facility and use the proceeds effectively to support like minded non-profit organizations, consistent with our original vision. We were pleasantly surprised that the property was quickly and smoothly sold, and most of the furniture was given away to CWC and/or other charities. The distribution of the proceeds, which may take some time, will follow the guidelines as set forth by applicable law and the CLRC bylaws. We will again follow God’s leading and guidance carefully every step of the way.

We are grateful to the Lord for starting and also “passing the baton” of this specific ministry at Lake Gaston by His providence and grace. We are also very grateful to the many churches, groups and individuals for their dedicated participation and assistance. The CLRC website will temporarily remain in operation with perhaps some improvements and for the historical records. The Board will execute the remaining tasks for the distribution.

Your prayers will be greatly appreciated as in the past. Please feel free to contact me for any questions/comments. I hope to continue having fellowship with all of you regularly if possible. God willing, I’ll also continue to focus on godly leadership and its formation in His churches*.

May God’s name be glorified.

Your fellow co-worker in Christ,

Albert Yeh
CLRC Founder and President

CWC 2018 Thanksgiving East Coast (CLRC) Discipleship/Coworkers Training

Thanks be to God! The Discipleship Training Camp at the Christian Leadership Renewal Center during last Thanksgiving was a great success! The center was again full of people, probably 60 to 70 this time, who travelled all the way from NC, SC, MA, and states even farther such as NY, TN and FL. The speaker Brother Bellman Lin was encouraged by their willingness to follow the Lord and to be His disciples and co-workers. Therefore, he was able to complete three sermons per day in his 90s by God’s grace, which in turn greatly strengthened brothers and sisters. God also used Minister Feng Jiao, Pastor Tianjun Shi, and Pastor Ko to help brothers and sisters to have the spirit to follow Jesus as His disciples, and the servant attitude to serve Him silently. The next Disciple Training Camp will be held from March 6th to 11th, 2019.Details and Registration

CWC March 2018 East Coast Discipleship/Coworkers Training Camp

By God’s grace the East Coast Disciple and Coworker Training Camp was completed successfully in early March at the Christian Leadership Renewal Center (CLRC). Besides brothers and sisters from the neighboring states, many people drove seven to eight hours from New York and Alabama to the camp. They were much benefited from Pastor Chiang’s teaching on the holy living, commitment to Christ, responding to the calling of missions, and being prepared and equipped prior to return to their home countries. Pastor Chiang also prepared a 9-week training course for attendees to continuously reflect what they studied and make these learning their daily practice.

10th Anniversary Thanksgiving Service of Christian Leadership Renewal Center

The thanksgiving service was held at the home of Elder Yeh in Wake Forest, NC, on the afternoon of November 5, 2016, to commemorate the 10th anniversary of CLRC and the recent completion of the new dormitory. The guests included two board members from Chicago and Pittsburgh, pastors/elders and leaders from six Chinese churches in North Carolina, and CLRC’s volunteers. Together, we commemorated the blessings that God had bestowed on the Center during the last ten years.

The program began with the hymn “Amazing Grace”. Through the reading of Psalm 127:1, we were reminded of the fact that whatever works we do would be in vain unless it is done in the will of God and by His grace. Furthermore, Php. 1:3-6 reminded us that we should be grateful to God because He has enabled pastors and coworkers to begin the good work by serving together in the ministry of leadership training and the gospel. We believe that He will also complete the good work.

Elder Yeh then showed a new video, an introduction to CLRC (also available to view at the CLRC website,, under “About us”). It highlighted the natural beauty of the Center’s surrounding environment, the various facilities and the activities held during the last ten years, including a brief self-introduction by Elder Yeh. That was followed by his recounting how the vision for CLRC was conceived, the history of its building up from virtually nothing, its current ministries and Elder Yeh’s “dream” and long term vision for the future. (See below for the links to the power point presentation, anniversary presentation.ppt, and to its audio recording, anniversary audio.mp3).

After a short break with drinks and snacks served, the service continued with Elder Yeh’s remarks to thank the board members for their support and guidance and the volunteers for contributing their time and effort. He then made a formal proposal on the future operation of the Center which will require the collective effort of local churches/leaders, and the reasons behind this proposal. He asked for feedback to this proposal from all the churches by December 10. (See below for the links to the power point presentation and its audio recording of the proposal, proposal for CLRC future.ppt and proposal audio.mp3.) The two board members in attendance then encouraged all churches to take advantage of this platform to fully cooperate with each other in continuing the work of leadership training in order to fulfill God’s will in furthering His Kingdom. The service was concluded with prayer and blessing led by board member Pastor Paul Bucknell.

Following the service, drinks and delicious snacks were served so the guests can continue to greet and have fellowship with one another.

10th Anniversary Thanksgiving Service Audio
10th Anniversary Thanksgiving Service PPT
Proposal for CLRC Future Audio
Proposal for CLRC Future PPT

CLRC activities in October 2016

More than ten brothers and sisters from Chapel Hill spent a wonderful weekend from October 22nd to 23rd, 2016, at CLRC. We studied the book of Ephesians together, shared each other’s understanding of the truths in the book, our personal lives, feeding spiritually and encouraging one another. As everyone is so busy in the daily life, it was such a blessing to come to a quiet and scenic place to fellowship with each other, build a deeper relationship, spur one another’s love towards God. We felt the need to hold more of this kind of gathering in the future. Many thanks to Elder Yeh and brother Henry for their support, providing such wonderful place for us. May God remember their love and labor in Him, and use CLRC to bless even more brothers and sisters.
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CLRC activities in September 2016

RCCC Chinese Student Fellowship Retreat

The Chinese Student Fellowship at RCCC had a great retreat at CLRC during the Labor weekend. We appreciate Elder Yeh’s support, love and care for our young group. The topic of the retreat is Interpersonal Relationship, Bonding and Love. Through the messages of the speakers (Pastor Tran, Alex and Elder Yeh), we learned a lot of lessons about love and growing in the Lord. We also experienced the abundant grace of God through the various activities such as playing games, cooking, chatting and enjoying the beautiful sceneries. Not only did the young sisters and brothers gain a lot, but also did the seekers. Again, thanks a lot for the devotion and hard work of CLRC. May God continue to bless and use CLRC.

團體照團體照 / Group Picture

CLRC activities in June 2016

Maple Spring Chinese Christian Church Student Fellowship Retreat

A group of college students from NC Maple Spring Chinese Christian Church Student Fellowship at Winston Salem spent a meaningful weekend at CLRC Lake Gaston site from June 24 to June 26, 2016. It was our fourth Student Fellowship retreat. During the retreat, we worshiped the Lord, studied the Bible truths, and shared our faith and struggles together. We also went fishing, played Ping-Pang, enjoyed hot-pot, and shared the work of washing dishes, etc. Thank God who gave us such a wonderful opportunity to walk and grow together in the journey of following Christ.

團體照 / Group Picture團體照 / Group Picture